- Actively participated in all areas of the business from audited financials to marketing strategy including our 'Red Herring' registration statement.
- Business software developer specializing in completely integrated systems from Point-of-Sale through General Ledger.
- Customers included JC Penney’s, Hammacher Schlemmer, Radio Shack, Microage, Computerland, Canadian Postal Service, AT&T, Coop pf Ontario, Corning, Court System of NY, EDS, Honeywell, IBM, Llardo, NCR, Sunbeam Oster, Unisys, Xerox, Wanf. etc. There were over 8,000 installed systems worldwide.
- Gave presentations nationally to mid-size and large businesses. Some of the companies included (IBM, Xerox, EDS, Perot Systems, etc.)
- Retired - health reasons