Entrepreneurship - The Community

Thinking Planning Implement / Executing Philosophy (TPI/E™)

This comment section is open to the public and should reflect comments by those that have reviewed or particpated in the simulation. Comments regarding improvements, future development, suggestions, etc. are welcomed. This can also be a useful tool for the general discussion of Entrepreneurial concepts. Guests can offer their suggestions and general comments. Please be respectful of others and post productive comments. Any comments deemed unfit for public viewing will be removed.

Students and Faculty should use their Game Discussion Board to ask and answer questions regarding the simulation and the course material. Faculty can also post ad hoc assignments via the Game Discussion Board on material related their course.

Thank you for particpating in this venue.



Individual Email Posted Date Comment
Richard LaskowskiRichard.Laskowski@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:44:39This community would be for everyone to comment on the simulation.
Aristotle Lekacosaristotle.theodore.lekacos@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:41:22That's a great suggestion. It would be a discussion board within the game for that specific game.
Richard LaskowskiRichard.Laskowski@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:36:16It's easy to convince the students to use this feature like a discussion board. It would nice to have it unique to the class.
Aristotle Lekacosaristotle.theodore.lekacos@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:16:49Dr Laskowski is correct and promotes it useage
Richard LaskowskiRichard.Laskowski@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:09:14Many of my students find the community feature useful
Aristotle Lekacosaristotle.theodore.lekacos@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 11:04:36Students can ask and answer questions. Review the concept being discussed in class and many more activities.
Aristotle Lekacosaristotle.theodore.lekacos@stonybrook.edu2023-02-02 10:47:35Creating a community in a class emulates the classroom experience. I recommend all faculty encourage the creation of a community
Karen Millerkmll@sunysb.edu2022-06-21 16:02:47I have independently tested this software and it seems to be extremely stable and simple to use. The customization is an excellent feature but I probably will not invest in the time to create a vertical industry. I don't think my students would gain any benefit. The use of generic features, markets, ad's is clear enough to emulate the concepts in class.


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